Welcome to my blog. This is a personal workspace for computer based projects. It is a commentary on selected topics. It includes pictures, graphs, apps - or any other digital tool that may be useful to convey a message or solve a problem.
The blog template is XMag by Yihui Xie a Hugo theme written for Blogdown websites. This is a blogdown website written using markdown files that, through the magic of blogdown and R, render as webpages. The syntax of markdown is familiar to R users because of the Blogdown and Rmarkdown packages. These packages are used in research to create blogs and reports, respectively. The idea of blogdown, as I see it, is a facilitator in the creation of a website ecosystem optimized for simply for sharing reports. These are R-centric reports.
The goal of this blog is to exercise my R muscles. I report on various topics. Most reports contain some impactful media, such as: graphs, apps, pictures, videos or whatever else that I may decide to produce to store an idea. That leads to the point of this blog. It is to explore, develop and store ideas. These may not be the most groundbreaking ideas you’ve ever heard - or they may.